Saturday, January 20, 2007

The problem with consumer culture

This fascinates me . As a person affected by consumerism and media, I am convinced that we are overwhelmed by choices. Too many choices does not make us happier, in fact it makes us feel like we have to try harder to make the "best " choice, therefore always sabotaging our possibility of feeling content with what we have and 'what is'. In my research on positive thinking and happiness, I read a remarkable book by Barry Schwartz called The Paradox of Choice .

I think he is absolutely right. It is a great discovery to find his work, because it voices what I have intuitively felt but couldn't articulate. Give it a look. Also, his superb address to the graduating class of Swarthmore College is absolutely brilliant . He distills these ideas to fine points and advice
( that was sadly lacking in MY University of Texas graduation ceremony).
Here's the link

Is it just me, or is this profound ?

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