Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stop the senseless beating of baby seals for fur.

Protect Seals | Save Baby Seals | Stop the Canadian Seal Hunt

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

DNA test for dogs

Identify Mixed Breed Dogs by DNA: Genetic Tests Available to Detect Your Mutt's Composition

This is sort of like knowing if your baby is a boy or a girl, except your baby is a dog. There appear to be two tests on the market, the Canine Heritage Test
for $75 and the Mars Wisdom Panel™ MX Mixed Breed Analysis test
only done through a vet's office and $100 or so. It tests for over 130 breeds and has 99% accuracy, while the other test is only currently including 38 breeds but can be done at home with a saliva swab.
Hummm. If the stock market weren't currently tanking, I might seriously look at this as an answer for the ongoing question, 'What kind of dog is that?" .

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