Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Enamel Class at the Penland School, ie Nickle and Dimed at Penland

Mostly, being here at the Penland School is like a dream.Our first day was yesterday and we started right out with SAFETY !! Whoo hoo, good stuff alright. No smoking by the gas tanks and further hilarious and noteworthy tidbits . We then were allowed to begin work. Enameling, cutting copper, sawing, and most importantly, BUYING STUFF we didn't bring with us on the terrorist obsessed airlines, including optiviser, wax lube, solder, fine silver, gemstones , chasing tools, and other terrorist related tools. Penland knows how to nickle and dime you once you're captive here. Since the school provided NOTHING to work with, you get to bring it or buy it. The ladies at the school store are becoming very familiar if not soft of catty. No, you can't look at the silver...no we don't have that...no credit..blah, blah...

Now, don't get me wrong.This is a WONDERFUL experience and full of acceptance , creativity, support, community..it's just run on a shoestring.A fat dimply, young tattooed shoestring. I'll tantra to that! Yeah!

PS, as I write this I am sitting in a row of rocking chairs. All of us have laptops and are typing vigorously. None of us are looking at the spectacular view.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Craft and the Penland School

Craft In America / Documentary Series

One of the most exciting things I have done in the last two years is awaken my creativity. I think it all started with the Artist's Way, a workshop I took at Seton Cove, based on Julia Cameron's book on exploring life as art, and art as life. That was my first toe dipping into the pond of the imagination, and allowing myself to be creative
(after MANY dead years of self imposed right brain thinking). Since then I have explored sewing, painting, composing, metalsmithing, sculpture, and jewelry making. What has given me the most intrigue and excitement is jewelry. It is a magical blend of art, craft , and design, plus the added on bonus of getting to WEAR the piece when it is finished.

Here is some of my work, poised on a gardenia from my friend Jeff's front yard.

The above link is about a documentary on PBS which features the Penland School of Crafts where I am lucky enough to get to take a two week class in June on enameling and metal work .

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Walmart continues to irritate me

Saturday, May 5, 2007

jewelry I wish I had made

What a stunning idea to combine timeless poetry with wearable art.So beautiful.

Connie Bracelet by Jeanine Payer

For one human being to love another human being: that is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us, the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation." Rainer Maria Rilke

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jewelry workshops

Craft Guild of Dallas

Specialty Jewelry Workshops


Master Guest Artists- Ronda Coryell & Vasken Tanielian

The Craft Guild of Dallas is excited to announce our lineup of guest artists in jewelry during the month of June, 2007. We’re offering eight specialty workshops -- all designed to take your work to a whole new level! Join Ronda Coryell and Vasken Tanielian, from the Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts, for this unprecedented opportunity to learn from "the masters" at The Guild!

5038 Fri-Sun, June 1-3 Chasing & Repousse

5039 A* Mon–Tues, June 4-5 Cold Connections

5040 Thur–Fri, June 7-8 Tube Clasp, Brooches, Clips and More

5041 Sat–Mon, June 9 – 11 Fabrication: Refine Your Skills

5039 B* Wed–Thurs, June 13-14 Cold Connections (repeated)

5042 Fri– Mon, June 15 – 18 Precision Fabrication

(no class on Father’s Day - Sun, June 17)

5043 Tue-Thurs, June 19-21 Fabrication: Hinges…& More Hinges

5044 Fri– Sun, June 22 – 24 Fabrication: Advanced Techniques

Sign up for the complete series, or just a few of the workshops!

2-Day Workshops: $250

3-Day Workshops: $375

Register for series of 6 (5039 A or B through 5044): $1,600

(20% discount - $400 value)


Jeanine Payer - Palmer Cuff

May the sun bring you new energy by day, May the moon softly restore you by night, May the rain wash away your worries. May the breeze blow new strength into your being. May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life. Apache Blessing."

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