Saturday, May 5, 2007

jewelry workshops

Craft Guild of Dallas

Specialty Jewelry Workshops


Master Guest Artists- Ronda Coryell & Vasken Tanielian

The Craft Guild of Dallas is excited to announce our lineup of guest artists in jewelry during the month of June, 2007. We’re offering eight specialty workshops -- all designed to take your work to a whole new level! Join Ronda Coryell and Vasken Tanielian, from the Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts, for this unprecedented opportunity to learn from "the masters" at The Guild!

5038 Fri-Sun, June 1-3 Chasing & Repousse

5039 A* Mon–Tues, June 4-5 Cold Connections

5040 Thur–Fri, June 7-8 Tube Clasp, Brooches, Clips and More

5041 Sat–Mon, June 9 – 11 Fabrication: Refine Your Skills

5039 B* Wed–Thurs, June 13-14 Cold Connections (repeated)

5042 Fri– Mon, June 15 – 18 Precision Fabrication

(no class on Father’s Day - Sun, June 17)

5043 Tue-Thurs, June 19-21 Fabrication: Hinges…& More Hinges

5044 Fri– Sun, June 22 – 24 Fabrication: Advanced Techniques

Sign up for the complete series, or just a few of the workshops!

2-Day Workshops: $250

3-Day Workshops: $375

Register for series of 6 (5039 A or B through 5044): $1,600

(20% discount - $400 value)


Jeanine Payer - Palmer Cuff

May the sun bring you new energy by day, May the moon softly restore you by night, May the rain wash away your worries. May the breeze blow new strength into your being. May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life. Apache Blessing."

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