Craft In America / Documentary Series
One of the most exciting things I have done in the last two years is awaken my creativity. I think it all started with the Artist's Way, a workshop I took at Seton Cove, based on Julia Cameron's book on exploring life as art, and art as life. That was my first toe dipping into the pond of the imagination, and allowing myself to be creative
(after MANY dead years of self imposed right brain thinking). Since then I have explored sewing, painting, composing, metalsmithing, sculpture, and jewelry making. What has given me the most intrigue and excitement is jewelry. It is a magical blend of art, craft , and design, plus the added on bonus of getting to WEAR the piece when it is finished.
Here is some of my work, poised on a gardenia from my friend Jeff's front yard.
The above link is about a documentary on PBS which features the Penland School of Crafts where I am lucky enough to get to take a two week class in June on enameling and metal work .
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