Infinit Nutrition ::::CREATE::DOMINATE::::
There are some good articles here, particularly Maintaining Peak Endurance Performance after 40 ( although I don't really care for their company motto...dominate? )
If you are too weak or old to clink on the link, these are the top ten tips from the article.
In reviewing the research on master athletes, the following recommendations can be made to help continue peak performance past the age of 40:
1. Continue a training routine that includes such high-intensity workouts as intervals, tempo runs, and hill training.
2. Engage in resistance training 2-3 times per week to help maintain lean body mass.
3. Attain energy balance to help maintain bone health and promote peak metabolic efficiency.
4. Ensure adequate calcium intake for strong bones by consuming 1,000-1,200 mg per day.
*Note: Menopausal runners not on hormone replacement may need 1,500 mg per day.
5. Continue to favor carbohydrates as the primary fuel source, consuming 3-5 grams per pound of body weight each day.
6. Follow protein guidelines (0.55-0.75 grams per pound of body weight) to aid in muscle recovery.
7. Consume a minimum of 10% of your total calories from fat yet don’t exceed 30%.
8. Follow a well-balanced meal plan using the Food Guide Pyramid to ensure adequate vitamin and mineral intake.
9. Consider taking a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement with antioxidants as a nutrition insurance agent.
10. Be more aware of hydration, consuming fluids even without feeling thirsty.
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